How To Install MySQL Database Server On Ubuntu 22.04

MySQL is a very popular and open-source relational database. It works in client and server systems. MySQL supports the majority of features considered important by the database community.

It is a great tool for learning about databases. This is developed, distributed, and supported by Oracle Corporation. It is easy to use and free to download and without no cost. MySQL server is basically client-server-based architecture. It supports multithreading which provides more scalability. Its performance is very fast.

It is compatible with all the operating systems in the market.  The multiple applications are flexible. It must contain the data security layer. There are numerous queries that you can use and apply to the database. It works as a remote computer that works on the client’s computer. It can easily transfer one file to another.

Steps to install MySQL server on Ubuntu

To download MySQL use the website

The MySQL server is the best remote computer to store the data under different databases. 

To install the MySQL server on the Linux operating system- follow the following steps:-

  • Open the Linux (Ubuntu ) based terminal on your desktop screen- use the keys Ctrl + Alt + T
  • Use the command – “sudo apt install mysql-server” on the terminal
  • To ask the question for continuing the process Click on the y – it denotes the Yes
  • Now, it will take some time to process- the installation of the server on your screen.
  • To know about the version – Use the command “mysql —version” on your terminal screen
  • To apply the valid password on your database. Use the command – “sudo mysql_ secure_ installation
  • This is the security key that takes time to process
  • To set the password, click on the Y option
  • Choose the password as per your need 
  • After uploading the password, then re-enter the password on the terminal
  • Click on the next option
  • To continue the working press click on the Y key – it may denote the Yes permission to continue the task
  • After this, the set-up becomes ready and completed

Configure the database

  • If you want to start MySQL on your desktop then you need to visit the root directory
  • Use the command – “sudo mysql-u root
  • Now the root directory folder is created in which you are able to create the databases and tables with the relation between them.
  • To create the database. Use the command – “create database database _ name
  • If you want to view the database on your screen
  • Use the command – show database 

After successfully working the command, your database is ready to implement the creation, editing, manipulating, and showing of the database data.

Databases can help to store a large number of numeric data that is the same and used in many other databases that can easily add or extract. It helps to use one table on another database. It can save time to store the same data again and again on your desktop.

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