How to control privacy settings on Facebook

Facebook is the social media flag that everyone hosts with their own terms and conditions. To make your personal data on Facebook safe you will apply privacy and security measures. 

You can make your Facebook account private – this helps you to only give access to a few users to view your posts. On the other hand, you can apply some restrictions through Privacy Checkups.

To control privacy settings on Facebook – Tips to avoid things while using it

  • About– This section can provide the details of the user. This information helps the users to learn about the specific person in a private account. Make sure that you can make your About section private
  • Who can connect with you– Facebook provides the feature to choose what types of friend requests you want to access in a private account. Choose the option as per the requirement. 
  • Who can view your profile- Facebook has one more privacy feature that will have the access to view your profile like Everyone (For the public account), Friends of friends (the users in your friend lists connection), friends, and only me.
  • Enable two-factor- verification- It is one of the best privacy features that helps you to register your phone number that contains the notification note while anyone accesses your Facebook
  • Password- It is the major privacy and security mechanism. Users require changing the password after some period of time to give more security. Apply the strong password in which add the symbolic 
  • Disable the device location- Most of the time while downloading Facebook on the device. The location might be ON. Make sure that your device is not ON that directly indicates the status where you are now
  • Timeline and Tagging- It can provide many restrictions to the users in private accounts. As per the requirement, the user can prefer anyone. For example:- 
    • Who can see your posts on Timeline?
    • When you are tagged on any post, who do you want to add to the audience of the post if they can’t already see it?
    • Who can see what other posts are on your timeline?

Some Pre-build restrictions

These are some of the pre-built restrictions that you can choose and provide

  • Active status- It is also your choice to enable or disable the active status of your Facebook account. 
  • Ad Preferences- It is the feature in which you can automatically gather the interest list. Also, block some of the advertisements that are not in your interest.
  • Block users – If you think that no longer you want a connection with any user. Block the person and remove the request list also from the device

By the above points, you can control privacy settings on Facebook. Facebook provides many privacy measures in the Private account. Users can control the working of the app as per the requirement. Enable and disable feature helps to apply and remove any of the restrictions on your personal information and be safe on Social media platforms.

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