How to fix the msxml 4.0 error in Microsoft games

Whenever you play a game, sometimes an error may arise like “MSXML 4.0 is not installed correctly. It is required to run the game”.
MSXML is a package that helps Microsoft’s game run because Microsoft’s game is not run without Microsoft XML 4.0.

Steps to solve msxml 4.0 error:

1. Go to the following link and select the language.

2. Click on the download button.
3. Choose the file which you want to download. Usually, the first file is selected. Click on the Next Button. The file will be downloaded.
4. Open the file. A dialog box will open. Click on the Next button.
5. Click on Install Button and installation will begin.

6. After the installation click on the finish button. The file has been installed in your system. Now you can enjoy your game without any error.

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