Delete Telegram account permanently:
Telegram is a
- Freeware
- Cross-platform
- Cloud-based
- Instant messaging social media service.
- The service also provides end-to-end encrypted video calling, VoIP, and file sharing.
- It released its first version for iOS on 14 August 2013 and Android on 20 October 2013.
For more Privacy and Security, some users want to delete the account and switch to another messaging app. It is important to delete the account from the telegram and switch to another platform that makes it less inconvenient for users.
Users can delete the account with the Login option, but in reality, the account may exist and log in anytime. To delete the account forever you need to change the setting option. It is the safest mode for future
Delete Telegram account permanently from your device
Method – 1:
- Open your Telegram account
- Click on the top 3 – dot icon on the left side
- Scroll down
- Click on the Setting option
- Tap on the Privacy and Security option under Setting
- Click on the “Delete my account”
- Pop-up open consisting option
- 1 month
- 3 month
- 6 month
- 1 year
- After deletion, if you don’t want to be a part of this app within the display period then choose the limit. After the selected time duration automatically the telegram account will be deleted
- Click on the Back option
- Click on the Log out option
- The account delete automatically within the selected duration
Method -2:
To delete the account rapidly follow the steps
- Open the Google Chrome – the browser service provided by Google
- Open the
- Enter the Phone number with the country code – it contains an international keypad. You need to enter the country code firstly before the number
- Click on the next option
- Confirmation option display – it is the way via telegram check authentication as whenever changes are done in the account for verification
- Open the Telegram account and copy the code
- Enter the confirmation code – the copied code from the telegram account may write in it
- Click on the Sign In option
- Click on the Delete account option
- Why are you leaving? option may show as a query from the User
- You need to enter the reason
- Click on the Delete My Account option
- Pop- up Window display on the screen
- Are you sure? As a confirmation message display
- Click on the “Yes, delete my account option
- Account may delete permanently from the telegram account
These are the two ways by which users can easily delete their Telegram accounts. The User’s perception may change day today, as the new messaging app with new updated features comes into the market and Users switch to another platform as per our requirement
It is the best way to delete the account and switch to another platform for lifetime security.