How can I control Facebook privacy settings?

Facebook is a social media app that helps to communicate with a large number of people all around the world. On the one hand, Facebook provides the facility to communicate, entertain and play online games parallel. Sometimes some users use fake accounts that not only interrupt other users but also hack their personal information.

Authentication and Privacy controls apply on every account by which users’ personal information can be safe from unauthorized zones. 

Users need to be aware of the Privacy measures that are provided by Facebook. Some of the best and easiest ways are discussed in the section below. Follow it in your account and make your account in a protection zone.

Follow Facebook privacy settings

By applying Strong Password

  • The first and foremost step is to apply a Strong password to your Facebook account. Your password is not recognized by a third person easily. Some users commonly use -our DOB; phone no etc. that the other person can easily catch. Use symbol key (alpha – numeric keys) in between your password and near about 10 characters needed for the password including the symbols key in it.
  • For changing the password 
  • Open the Facebook app
  • Click on the 3 dots on the right side
  • Click on the Setting and Privacy option
  • Click on the Security and login option
  • Click on the Change Password option and you can easily change the password by applying a strong password

By applying the tracking protocol

  • Sometimes users log in to their Facebook accounts from different devices and forget to log out. Account login cardinal’s saved and another user can easily access the Facebook account. You can track the account and remove the un-usual device
  • Open the Facebook app
  • Click on the 3 dots on the right side
  • Click on the Setting option
  • Click on the Security and login option
  • Click on the where you all login option
  • All devices list may appear from where you log in to your Facebook account
  • If you have any doubt that some third-party access is available by any device then you can easily click on the 3 dots and log out of that device from your account. 

Enable Two-step verification

  • This is the best method by which users can secure their Facebook account and can save in a private nature
  • Open the Facebook app
  • Click on the 3 dots on the right side
  • Click on the Setting and Privacy option
  • Click on the Security and login option
  • Click on the two-factor authentication
  • Select the security method – authentication app, text message, and security key.
  •  If you use an authentication app this option helps when you log in from any other device the pop-up message shows from the account access device, you need to access 
  • If you use the text message option then when you log in the message as OTP is shown on your phone when you apply OTP then the process of login continues on another device.
  • Two–factor authentication is the best way to save the account 

These are the best-in-use Facebook privacy settings measures using these users can save their Facebook accounts and make their account privacy strong 

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